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A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is made by titanium. It is placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth. Dental implants may be an option for people who have lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury, or some other reasons. Dental implant is the best alternate to a natural tooth or teeth, functionally and aesthetically. They provide a better chewing and phonation than traditional prosthetic treatments and bring up natural face appearance.


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There are many reasons why people choose to undergo our Smile Makeover treatment. We understand that each of our patient’s motives and desires is different and no smile line is exactly the same. We design our treatment plans around each individual’s needs and it is this commitment to personalised treatment allows us to deliver superb results every time. We can help you do a complete smile makeover according to your specifications and expectations. Smile makeovers are not entirely aesthetic. Restoring your smile and fixing damaged teeth can also help you bite, chew, talk, or eat as normal once more. In some instances, smile makeovers strengthen teeth and reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Smile makeovers can also fix your facial structure if the jaw bone is receding due to age and teeth damage.


Everyone wants to have a beautiful, pearly white smile. Unfortunately, natural wear, decay, and other issues could damage your teeth and make your smile less impressiveSmile design ( makeover ) is a complete package treatment containing both White aesthetics ( teeth ) and pink aesthetics ( gum ) There are lots of advantages of having a complete smile design such as increasing your self confidence, regulating your teeth array and improving your oral health. Smile makeover contains all avaible treatments such as;

Smile makeover is unique for each patient. There is no “specific” smilemakeover package. Smile makeover is the perfect combination of all cosmetic dental and non-surgical treatments


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Dental crown, also only called as “cap”, is a tooth-shaped cap that is used to cover or save a damaged tooth by completely encircling it. It is an ideal and easiest way to repair teeth that have been broken or weakened. A dental crown is also needed for such reasons:

  • To protect a weak tooth from breaking,
  • To restore an already broken tooth,
  • To cover and support a tooth with a large filling,
  • To hold a dental bridge in place,
  • To cover a dental implant,
  • To make a cosmetic modification.

Dental crowns may be porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM), all-metal, all-resin or all-ceramic. Patients may choose among these materials depending on their preferences or budget. According to American Dental Association, there are advantages and disadvantages for each type, you should discuss the details with your dentist.


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What are Dental Veneers? Veneers are a form of cosmetic dentistry in which a shell or layer of tooth-colored porcelain or composite is placed over the facial surfaces of your teeth. Veneers can be used by dentists to correct the appearance of worn tooth enamel, uneven tooth alignment or spacing, tooth discoloration, and chips or cracks. Porcelain and composite veneers are made by dental technicians in a dental laboratory, but composite veneers also can be made directly inside your mouth by your dentist. What are the advantages of veneers? Veneers are esthetically pleasing, protect the surface of damaged teeth and may eliminate the need for more extensive treatments, such as crowns. They provide a natural tooth appearance. Other advantages of veneers include durability, an improved appearance to your smile and the need for little-to-no removal of tooth structure, compared to crowns.

What Veneers are right for you? Veneer selection involves choosing the appropriate length, shape, width and color for your restorations. Your dentist will use a color chart to help you select the best veneer shade. If your veneers are to be made in a dental laboratory, your dentist will make an impression of your teeth and create a model of your mouth for use by the laboratory when customizing your restorations to the correct size and shape.


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Root canal is a lay persons’ term for endodontic therapy or root canal therapy. Root canal therapy is necessary when the pulp (aka “nerve”) inside the tooth becomes irreversibly damaged or infected. This irreversible damage is a result of combined injuries that occur over the life of the tooth (decay, trauma, multiple restorations). Root canal therapy is the removal of the entire pulp throughout the root canal system (a tooth can have several roots and a canal or two within those roots), the cleaning and shaping of the canal system, and filling the canals with a polyester synthetic root canal filling and a dental sealer.


If you have any conditions as stated below, you might need a root canal treatment: • Sensitivity to hot or cold that lingers • Discomfort when chewing or biting • Dull ache or severe pain • Discomfort that wakes you up at night • Your dentist has diagnosed the need for endodontic treatment either by clinical exam or xray. If you answered yes to any of the above, you might very well need a root canal. Be aware not all teeth that are in need of root canal therapy will cause pain. It is possible to be pain-free and still need a root canal.


Dentist will examine the x-ray and the tooth, then administer a local anesthetics. After the tooth is numbed, a small protective sheet, called a dental rubber dam is placed to isolate the tooth. An opening will be made in the crown of the tooth and small instruments will be used to clean the canals and to shape the canal spaces for filling. Once the canals have been adequately cleaned and shaped, the canals will then be filled with a polyester synthetic root canal filling and sealer. A temporary filling is then placed to close the opening. Your dentist will remove the temporary filling before the tooth is restored.


With modern techniques and varied local anesthetic solutions it is rare to have any sensation in the tooth during treatment. For the first few days after treatment, It is normal for your tooth to be sensitive to biting. This discomfort can be relieved with over-the-counter or prescription medications in order to control normal post-treatment discomfort.


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Gum Contouring/ Reshaping will ensure your smile line looks more balanced and symmetrical. A gummy smile or uneven gum line is often concealing a significant portion of healthy tooth that once revealed can be transformative, changing the way your entire mouth presents. In smile makeover, not just White aesthetics ( teeth ) is concerned but also Pink aesthetics ( gum ). One simple gum treatment can enhance your all smile. Simple gum treatments can be done by cosmetics dentist. For harder cases like coronally advanced flap, one of our periodontist, which is a specialized expert on gum treatment will be doing your treatment.

Have a “gummy smile”? Not happy with gum colour and gum shape? Have a gum loss on certain area(s)? Gum contouring is a general term for gum treatments to fix issues like above. In our dental clinic we offer gum treatments such as;

  • Gingivectomy
  • Crown lengthening
  • Free Gingival Graft
  • Coronally Advanced Flap Application
  • Bone graft application with biomaterial ( used for implant cases )
  • Gingival Peeling


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Teeth whitening is a commonly performed cosmetic dentistry treatment that involves applications of a bleaching agent to whiten the teeth.

This agent is activated by a high-intensity plasma light (laser). It will remove stains and restore the original color of the teeth. We use a whitening agent that is more concentrated than what you would find in grocery store tooth whitening products.

Our laser bleaching treatment contains both dentistry cleaning and whitening which takes only 1 hour to complete. Cleaning contains tartar removal which is suggested to have every 6-9 months. Results are immediate! Color shade can increase up to 5 shades. But this is not guaranteed!

Whitening does not have the same effect on everybody , factors like age, the surface of the teeth, the thickness of the enamel, how the tooth is worn, the patient eating and drinking habit, the patient oral hygiene are all effects on the whitening and unfortunately there is no guarantee that everybody will have Hollywood white teeth. We are using the same material what we are getting different result.

Typically you can expect whitening to last from six months to two years. Just for 3 days after treatment you may experience sensitivity since activation of the whitening agent continues still. Just for 1 week colored stuff consumption like coffee, tea, red wine, sauces are not allowed if you want whitening to last longer.

If you want your teeth to be a particular shade, say Hollywood white, consider Dental Veneers or Dental Crowns instead, which we also offer.


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Dental Bridge treatment has same procedure and treatment length as “Dental Crowns”. You can either choose Metal Fused or Zirconia Fused crowns for dental bridge. Dental Bridge can be better alternative than implant in such cases like; not enough bone, misshaped gum, for patients already looking for “Hollywood smile” or “whole smile makeover” treatments. Dental bridges resemble and act like your natural teeth. You should also brush your dental bridge when you brush your regular teeth. With proper oral hygiene, a dental bridge can last up to 10 years. The dentist will also prepare your jaw to receive the bridge, which may involve removing parts of enamel to facilitate the false tooth or teeth. Your dentist will also provide you with a temporary bridge to wear until your permanent prosthetic is ready.

You have one or multiple missing teeth but dont have time for 2 visits for implant treatment? Since dental implants are the best solution for those cases, dental bridges are solid alternative to fix such issues.

A Dental Bridge is as the name suggests, a Bridge over the tooth/ teeth that are missing that anchors onto the teeth either side of the gap. The teeth either side of the gap are prepared in order to anchor the Bridge. A Dental Bridge is a fixed non-removable solution unlike a conventional Denture, which is removable. As a general rule, if you have a single tooth missing you will need a 3 Tooth Dental Bridge to close the gap. If you have 2 teeth missing next to each other you will need a 4 Tooth Dental Bridge and if you have three teeth missing along the same row you will need a 5 Tooth Dental Bridge. Simply count the number of teeth missing and add on an extra tooth/ Crown at each end to calculate the size of the Bridge needed. Although the Crowns are joined together to create the Bridge they will appear to the naked eye as individual teeth so the end result is natural in appearance.


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Tooth extractions are perhaps one of the most common procedures performed by a dentist. You may need to have a tooth pulled either in childhood and adulthood. If this is something that you have never experienced before, though, you may not know too much about the process. Well, fortunately, a tooth extraction is a fairly straightforward process. As such, it is completely safe for you and will be over before you know it. However, to gain a better understanding of what will take place during this procedure, read about the relevant details below…


There are actually two different types of tooth extractions that a dentist can perform on a patient. These are:


This type of extraction is performed on teeth that can be easily seen inside your mouth. As the name suggests, this process is rather simple. The dentist will just have to loosen the tooth before extracting it from the gum line.


Of course, there are some teeth that aren’t quite as easy for dentists to remove. Sometimes a tooth may have broken off at the gum line, keeping a part of it hidden. Or, the tooth may not have erupted at all and may still be buried in the gum. If either of these cases is diagnosed, then the dentist will have to perform a surgical extraction.

Here, the dentist will need to make an incision in the gum so that the tooth can be accessed more easily. There is also a chance that he or she may have to fragment the tooth. This will allow it to be removed in several parts.